How Much Does a Mobile Medical Unit Cost in the U.S.?

In this article, you'll learn how much a mobile medical unit costs and what factors can drive that cost up or down.
mobile medical van

So, you’re starting to save up for a mobile medical unit. But you know you won’t be able to properly budget for one without knowing how much a mobile medical unit costs. 

Maybe you’re a nonprofit trying to help remote communities get access to healthcare. 

Or, maybe you’re an organization that needs to provide non-emergency stretcher patient transportation without calling emergency medical services. 

Maybe you’re a program dedicated to providing behavioral health services, and you need to find a way to meet your patients where they are. 

No matter why you need a mobile medical unit, if you don’t have one, it’ll be much more difficult to reach your organization’s goals. 

You may not be able to provide healthcare to remote communities. Your organization may have to call emergency medical services to transport a patient even if they don’t need emergency medical care–drawing them away from where they’re more urgently needed. 

At AVAN Mobility, we know how complicated and confusing it can be to budget for something expensive. 

This is why in this article, you’ll learn how much a mobile medical unit costs and what factors can drive the cost up or down. 

Read on to learn what your budget could look like to afford a mobile medical unit in the U.S. We also have a pricing video below covering this information if you prefer to learn through that method instead.



How much does a mobile medical unit cost from AVAN Mobility? 

Mobile medical units from AVAN Mobility can cost between $125,000 to $225,000, which includes the cost of the van, the upfit, and specialized medical equipment, and delivery. 

This is the average cost for all types of mobile medical units we offer at AVAN Mobility, including the Mobile Response Van, the Mobile Outreach Van, and the Mobile Clinic Van. 

Each type of mobile medical unit serves a different purpose: 


    Or, if your organization is having trouble securing funding for a mobile medical unit, read through our article on how to apply for grant opportunities.

      • Mobile Outreach Van – mobile consultation unit for outreach programs working with underserved populations

      • Mobile Clinic Van – “doctors office on wheels” to deliver health care services in remote and rural communities.



    There are also other types of mobile medical units, including converted trailers or RVs. View the table below to compare pricing for different types of mobile medical vehicles:

    Type of mobile medical vehicle Average cost
    Mobile Medical Vans from AVAN Mobility $125,000 to $225,000
    Trailers and RVs (not available through AVAN Mobility) $45,000 to $450,000+


    What drives a mobile medical van cost up?

    There are three factors that can drive up the cost of a mobile medical unit: the chassis, the materials used to upfit the van, and the components added to the van. 


    1. The chassis

    In the automotive market, the actual vehicle frame or body is known as the chassis. 

    Chassis costs have a large impact on the overall price of a mobile medical unit because they are the foundation on which the vehicle is built. 

    Chassis costs go up or down depending on their availability and customer requirements. 


    2. Mobile medical unit materials

    At AVAN Mobility, our mobile medical units are made with aluminum upfits, which last a long time, whereas mobile medical units built with more cost-effective (but less durable) materials such as plastic or laminate are more prone to wear and tear. 


    3. Mobile medical van components

    There are many different components you can add to your mobile medical unit that can drive up the cost. These components are: 

        • Desk space

        • Patient bed

        • Cab dividers

        • Interior finishing

        • Lighting systems

        • Cabinetry and storage

        • Fridge and sink options

        • Power and connectivity equipment

        • Seating options, such as AutoFloor

        • Heating and air conditioning systems

        • Custom medical equipment such as stretchers 

        • Conversion type (Mobile Response, Mobile Clinic, or Mobile Outreach)


      Other costs to consider are:

          • Administration costs of purchasing a vehicle

          • Transportation and delivery fees


        As you can see, many factors affect the price of a mobile medical unit, but the biggest factor is what kind of customizations you need

        Simply put: the more sophisticated you need the van to be, the higher the cost. 


        Why are some mobile medical units less expensive?

        Mobile medical units are not the only way to provide mobile health services. 

        Some organizations use trailers and large, camper-style RVs that are converted into health clinics. 

        Trailers and RVs may vary from $35,000 to $320,000. 

        Mobile trailers need another vehicle to tow them from location to location, while converted RVs require extensive upfits and often need a specialized driving license to operate. 

        On the other hand, mobile medical units can be driven from one location to another with ease, and your drivers typically won’t need a specialized driving license to operate one. 

        Overall, the cost of a mobile medical unit will depend on what type of vehicle it is (a trailer, RV, or van), and the upfit. 


        Are there any “hidden” fees?

        Hidden fees are additional charges you may not be aware of when you choose to buy something. 

        At AVAN Mobility, we have no hidden fees. 

        We are transparent about our prices because we know how important honesty is when building a relationship with an organization like yours. 


        Are mobile medical units under warranty?

        Yes, AVAN Mobility van conversions are under warranty for 3 years or about 40,000 miles. 

        The warranty covers defects in workmanship and materials. 


        What are your next steps to budget for a mobile medical unit?

        You came to this article to learn how much a mobile medical unit costs in the U.S. 

        Now you know an average price range to budget for so you can afford a mobile medical unit for your organization. 

        Want an exact number? Get a quote from an AVAN Mobility expert today.

        You might also be interested in what warranty comes with your purchase. Check out our article on warranty coverage to learn more about that.  

          Or, if your organization is having trouble securing funding for a mobile medical unit, read through our article on how to apply for grant opportunities.


          Picture of Margaret Spratt

          Margaret Spratt



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